Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Diet or Food for Lupus Nephritis

  Diet or Food for Lupus Nephritis
  Diet or food also play important role in the recovering of lupus nephritis. Hope the following are food which they can not eat:
  1. Spicy food such as pepper, green onion, garlic, and so on.
  2. Coriander(carary) and celery can make lupus nephritis patients more sensitive to the light and worsen red butterfly shaped scar on face.
  3. Alcohol and smoking should also be forbidden, which can also do harm to the recovery.
  Besides these, lupus nephritis patients should also pay attention to the following one which they should hold on.
  1. The intake of salt: patients with Lupus Nephropathy often are suggested to limit the intake of salt, which has an enormous relationship with edema and blood volume to a certain extent. Broadly speaking, high salt can absorb moisture to the blood vessels, and then the hypertension and edema occur. And the urinating function also can be damaged, then the blood volume increases, further the heart failure occurs. So the intake of salt each day should be decided under the doctor's instruction.
  2. The damage on kidney caused by seasoning: some seasonings can damage the kidney directly. For example, the excessive intake of monosodium glutamate can make patients thirsty. So during the edema, it is better for patients to take less monosodium glutamate, in order to avoid the conflict with the controlling of water and the aggravation of edema. Other intense seasonings, like pepper, black mustard, curry, hot pepper, not only can bring the burden to peptic digestion, but also can damage the kidney to a certain extent. So it is necessary for the patients to reduce or avoid the salt intake.
  3. The limitation of the liquid quantity: the severity of edema is related with the special condition of patients. And we should limit the intake of liquid according to the edema, especially when the edema is very serious.
  4.The intake of food with high fat: the intake of animal fat should be limited in the daily diet, avoiding taking excessively; but that doesn't mean we can't take any, for no intake of fat for the patients with lupus nephropathy will make the body weak. So we'd better using vegetable oil and so on.
  5. the proper intake of protein: a proper intake of protein is related with the renal function. If oliguresis, edema, hypertension and nitrogen detention happen to patients, the intake of protein should be controlled under the doctor's guidance, avoiding the storage of non protein nitrogen and the aggravation the kidney burden. Some foods with high protein, like tofu, mutton, fish, egg, milk etc. can produce nitrogenous wastes easily, which is difficult to discharge for lupus nephritis patients.
  (6)Avoidance of foods with high nitrogen and purine: generally we should reduce the intake of food which can stimulate the kidney cells, like spinach, celery, radish, bean product, sardine and chicken soup and so on which contains large quantity of nitrogen and purine. When the renal function is damaged, these wastes can't be discharged normally and the discharge of nitrogen can't be completed in time, so in this situation, we should take less food with high nitrogen.

  The above are about the diet or food for lupus nephritis patients. Hope it can help you.www.kidneytcm.com 

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